Over-trading is a common mistake by Forex traders and it can
be the biggest threat that can kill your trading account. It does not require
experience as market participants. Once you commit mistakes, it makes huge
impact and differences. What causes bad trades? These can include indecent
opportunities, negative environment, being impatient and lack of discipline. Forexover trading mostly happens with those traders without proper plans and lack
the determination to set their minds on their plans.
Forex over trading also happens when traders break the
rules. Basically, you do over-trading when you get more trades than you suppose
to have. Some traders tend to break the rules because of the pressure to earn
more money. Money is the root of all evil. You can do unnecessary things to
have it. Forex over trading can mislead the cycle in the market. Traders are
not able to see their profits if they have consistent over trading. This is the
reason why Forex over trading sometimes happen without the trader actually knowing

The best way to avoid Forex over trading is to make the best
plan and share this plan to others. It is like you are on war, you have that
courage and a gun but unfortunately you don’t have bullets. Success will be on
by planning. When time comes, you will find your balance decreasing. It is the
best way compared to those traders who tend to break the rules. It’s like
boxers who lose the fight when the best was not given.
Knowledge is also an important aspect in Forex. Having
proper Forex education avoids Forex over trading. To avoid Forex over trading,
you have to be contented. If you break the rules without knowing, you have to
make it right as soon as possible before it becomes a habit. Habitual Forex
over trading is a violence attitude that can kill your account. To keep on the
right track, you have to follow certain rules. The rules to be considered are
the following:
Make a well-developed plan.
Have some market analysis.
Be ready for your setups.
Make a trading journal. You have to track and record
Forex over trading can lose your money. However, you don’t
have to be afraid of losing. As traders, you must know why your money
loses. The reasons may be because you
are over-trading, you don’t have proper knowledge and well-planned strategy and
you are not contented with what you have. You will be
successful if you will follow the proper way. Successful
and famous traders experienced failure. For them, trading is worth it when you know
how to do it right.
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